October marks Black History Month in the UK. It's an opportunity to celebrate, share and learn about the impact of black heritage and culture.  

Black History Month is also a chance to discuss race in the workplace and support your business's anti-racism work.

The theme for Black History Month 2024

The theme for Black History Month in 2024 is Reclaiming Narratives: to take control of the stories of black history, honour the heroes and shine a light on the diverse and profound impact of Black individuals across various fields.

Ideas to celebrate Black History Month at your office in London

We've put together a list of team-building activities that will engage, educate, and inspire your team in October and year-round.

This list includes delicious treats, educational history lessons, fun activities, and more. Remember to carry the spirit of learning and promote diversity and inclusion throughout the year, too!

Black History Walk in London 

Get the team out for a black history walking tour in London. The award-winning Black History Walks explore the thousands of years of African and Caribbean history in London via 15 guided interactive walks, bus tours, river cruises and talks. 

Want to organise a walk on your own? BHW founder Tony Warner has written a guide for London's Black History Walks that you can use as inspiration.The husband-and-wife team sold ‘channa’ in brown paper cones at the roadside. They soon innovated and started also selling ‘bara’, or flatbreads, as a base for the curried chickpeas. The name “doubles” was born when a customer asked to double the flatbread in their order.

Buy employees lunch from a black-owned restaurant

Spending your money at black-owned restaurants and cafes is a fantastic way of supporting the black community.

Why not treat your team to a Caribbean lunch bursting with tasty and downright tropical flavours? LIMIN's Chef-owner, Sham Mahabir, has put together a delicious Black History Month Caribbean bowl-food menu for office deliveries in London. 

The LIMIN BHM bowl meal costs £14.99 per person and  includes:

  • Shredded Jerk Chicken / BBQ chicken / Spiced Jackfruit (Ve) 

  • Coconut and thyme rice & peas

  • Fried plantain, mango and citrus slaw

  • Mac and cheese 

  • A can of Coke/Coke Zero 

Every order comes with a fact sheet about Caribbean culture and traditions, so you and your team can learn about the rich cultural heritage behind the incredible flavours.

Find out more & order yours

Create a Black History Month playlist

Celebrate the work of black artists by creating a Black History Month playlist on a streaming service like Spotify. Get your team involved and ask them to share their favourite songs to add to your playlist.  

Organise a lunch and learn talk or a panel discussion 

Lunch-and-learn talks and panel discussions are great ways to hear the stories of inspiring figures and learn about the history of the black community. For lunch-and-learn, you'll want to invite an external speaker. Panels can include a mix of internal and external representatives.  

Here are some ideas for Black History Month lunch and learn talks: 

  • History of the black community in London

  • Windrush and significance of the Caribbean diaspora in the UK

  • A story of a black athlete: what can businesses learn from sports

  • Black British civil rights

  • Black Music in Britain and the impact of genres like reggae, soul, and hip-hop on British culture

Windrush demontsration

Ideas for Black History Month panel discussion topics:

  • Black Lives Matter UK: the movement's goals, achievements, and remaining challenges

  • Race and education: what systemic issues affect black students in Britain, and what are potential solutions

  • Challenges and contributions of black women in British society

  • From Windrush to today: intergenerational perspectives on black history 

Encourage your team to attend by providing them with a delicious lunch

Create a Wall of quotes from influential black figures 

Invite your team members to contribute to a Wall of quotes from influential black figures. This is an easy activity that will keep your team motivated throughout the month.  

Learn from a local black historian or speaker

Invite a local black historian or a speaker to talk to your team about black history in London and the forgotten or hidden figures in history. 

Organise a Black History Month quiz

Do you know your British black history facts? A quiz is an engaging way to learn about history. 

Example questions could include: 

  • Mary Seacole was a heroic nurse who famously dedicated her time as well as nearly all her savings to helping injured soldiers from which war?

  • Malorie Blackman is a beloved children's author who uses science fiction to explore social issues. Which book series did she write?

  • Dame Margaret Ebunoluwa Aderin-Pocock is a scientist in which field? 

  • How many A-grade GCSEs did the rapper Stormzy finish his school with?

  • Who was the first black football player to captain the England team?

Prize for the winner or the winning team? We suggest a gift card to a Black-owned shop or restaurant in your area!

Organise an Unconscious bias workshop

Everyone has unconscious bias. We prefer people who look like us, act like us and share our interests. However, it's important to learn to identify, recognise and avoid this, especially in the workplace. 

Many organisations are facilitating unconscious bias workshops in London, including Equality and Diversity UK and Diversity Trust.

Black History Month book club

Black authors have made huge contributions to literature throughout history. To celebrate black voices, choose a book to read and discuss at the end of the month. 

Here are a few Black History Month book suggestions from the LIMIN team: 

  • Bernardine Evaristo: Girl, Woman, Other

  • Kenny Imafidon: That Peckham Boy: Growing Up, Getting Out and Giving Back

  • Candice Carty-Williams: Queenie

  • Sara Collins: The Confessions of Frannie Langton

  • Reni Eddo-Lodge: Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race

  • Andrea Levy: Small Island

Donate or fundraise to a charity supporting the black community

Turn the spotlight on charities helping the black community. Organise a bake-off fundraiser to raise money for charities like Black Minds Matter UK, 100 Black Men of London or Race Equality Foundation

Did you know that our landlord is a social enterprise Coin Street? They work in the London boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark, funding co-operative housing, parks, gardens, sports pitches, nurseries, and family and children's centres in the local community. When you choose to dine and drink at LIMIN or hold your event with us, you're having a positive impact on the local community. 

If your business is based on or near South Bank, why not get involved with the local community and consider volunteering or donating to Coin Street?

Support black makers and artists in corporate gifting

You can support the black community by sourcing your corporate gifts from black-owned businesses. Ask your team for their favourite black-owned brands or makers to choose from, or use one of the online directories to find the perfect supplier. 

Assemble an office art display  

Art has the power to educate, inspire and connect. Why not assemble an art display in your office showcasing the work of local black artists? While original artwork display may become too pricey, you can buy and frame prints online at Etsy or East End Prints. You can also add a biography of each artist below their work. At the end of the month, you can either keep your art installation or auction it among employees and donate the proceeds to a black charity. 

Celebrate black cinema with a lunchtime or post-work screening 

Hosting a film screening is a great way to bring the team together. The shared experience of film helps cultural understanding and offers opportunities to learn and empathise. 

If you don't have space for a screening at your office, many cinemas, including the British Film Institute, just around the corner from LIMIN, host screenings to mark Black History Month.

Find inspiration for your film selection here.

Sip and paint event at LIMIN SOUTHBANK

Sip and Paint event 

What's a Sip and Paint party, you ask? They have taken the capital by storm in recent years. The idea is to get together and paint a picture guided by an expert, while sipping on a glass of wine or another tipple in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. It's a great way to socialise and let your creative juices flow. 

A Sip and Paint party, guided by a local black artist, is a creative way to celebrate Black History Month.  

LIMIN is the perfect venue for hosting Sip and Paint parties in the heart of London. We have flexible spaces for parties of different sizes. Get it touch with our team to see if we could host your Sip and Paint event.

Collaborate with local black-owned businesses 

Supporting local black-owned businesses is a meaningful way to celebrate Black History Month. You can collaborate through special discounts or events which provide employees an opportunity to contribute to the local community. 

Make sure to create awareness of your collaborations within your company and share the stories of the businesses you partner with alongside the promotions.   

If you're looking for an in-office delivery to celebrate Black History Month, want to collaborate with LIMIN SOUTBANK or want to organise a pop-up or an event for your team, please get in touch. LIMIN is proudly black-owned and one of the only independent restaurants on South Bank.